Results for 'Christina W. Y. Wong'

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  1.  82
    Impact of Corporate Environmental Responsibility on Operating Income: Moderating Role of Regional Disparities in China.Yanhong Tang, Shuang Cui, Xin Miao & Christina W. Y. Wong - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 149 (2):363-382.
    Although the same environmental regulations apply to all regions in China, legal enforcement can be different due to local economic development priorities. There is still a lack of knowledge about how regional disparities affect the operating performance results of the implementation of corporate environmental management practices, thus providing little information for foreign companies when they invest and develop their production base in China. To fill this research gap, this paper collects data from the Fortune 500 Chinese firms to investigate the (...)
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    Emotional Responses to Visual Art and Commercial Stimuli: Implications for Creativity and Aesthetics.Mei-Chun Cheung, Derry Law, Joanne Yip & Christina W. Y. Wong - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Corporate environmental efforts, government environmental subsidies, and corporate non‐environmental R&D intensity: Evidence from listed firms.Weihong Chen, David Diwei Lv & Christina W. Y. Wong - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (4):1321-1333.
    Drawing on the behavioral theory, this study examines how the misalignment between a firm's environmental effort and the level of subsidies received from the government in affecting the firm's investment in non-environmental R&D. Based on a sample of Chinese A-share listed firms from 2008 to 2019 and using polynomial regression techniques, our findings reveal that firms in the “low effort-high subsidies” group exhibit lower non-environmental R&D intensity compared to firms in the “high effort-low subsidies” group. This study contributes to the (...)
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  4. Flipped classroom for student engagement in higher education.Gary K. W. Wong & H. Y. Cheung - 2015 - In Jaime Hawkins, Student engagement: leadership practices, perspectives and impact of technology. New York: Nova Publishers.
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    ’Jumping to conclusions’ data-gathering bias in psychosis and other psychiatric disorders - Two meta-analyses of comparisons between patients and healthy individuals.S. H. So, N. Y. Siu, H. L. Wong, W. Chan & P. A. Garety - 2016 - Clinical Psychology Review 46:151–67.
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    Conscientious objection and nurses: Results of an interpretive phenomenological study.Christina Lamb, Yolanda Babenko-Mould, Marilyn Evans, Carol A. Wong & Ken W. Kirkwood - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (5):1337-1349.
    Background: While conscientious objection is a well-known phenomenon in normative and bioethical literature, there is a lack of evidence to support an understanding of what it is like for nurses to make a conscientious objection in clinical practice including the meaning this holds for them and the nursing profession. Research question: The question guiding this research was: what is the lived experience of conscientious objection for Registered Nurses in Ontario? Research design: Interpretive phenomenological methodology was used to gain an in-depth (...)
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  7.  41
    Conscience, conscientious objection, and nursing: A concept analysis.Christina Lamb, Marilyn Evans, Yolanda Babenko-Mould, Carol A. Wong & Ken W. Kirkwood - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (1):37-49.
    Background: Ethical nursing practice is increasingly challenging, and strategies for addressing ethical dilemmas are needed to support nurses’ ethical care provision. Conscientious objection is one such strategy for addressing nurses’ personal, ethical conflicts, at times associated with conscience. Exploring both conscience and conscientious objection provides understanding regarding their implications for ethical nursing practice, research, and education. Research aim: To analyze the concepts of conscience and conscientious objection in the context of nurses. Design: Concept analysis using the method by Walker and (...)
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  8.  24
    Modulation of Functional Connectivity and Low-Frequency Fluctuations After Brain-Computer Interface-Guided Robot Hand Training in Chronic Stroke: A 6-Month Follow-Up Study.Cathy C. Y. Lau, Kai Yuan, Patrick C. M. Wong, Winnie C. W. Chu, Thomas W. Leung, Wan-wa Wong & Raymond K. Y. Tong - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:611064.
    Hand function improvement in stroke survivors in the chronic stage usually plateaus by 6 months. Brain-computer interface (BCI)-guided robot-assisted training has been shown to be effective for facilitating upper-limb motor function recovery in chronic stroke. However, the underlying neuroplasticity change is not well understood. This study aimed to investigate the whole-brain neuroplasticity changes after 20-session BCI-guided robot hand training, and whether the changes could be maintained at the 6-month follow-up. Therefore, the clinical improvement and the neurological changes before, immediately after, (...)
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    Do-not-resuscitate decision: the attitudes of medical and non-medical students.C. O. Sham, Y. W. Cheng, K. W. Ho, P. H. Lai, L. W. Lo, H. L. Wan, C. Y. Wong, Y. N. Yeung, S. H. Yuen & A. Y. C. Wong - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (5):261-265.
    Objectives: To study the attitudes of both medical and non-medical students towards the do-not-resuscitate decision in a university in Hong Kong, and the factors affecting their attitudes.Methods: A questionnaire-based survey conducted in the campus of a university in Hong Kong. Preferences and priorities of participants on cardiopulmonary resuscitation in various situations and case scenarios, experience of death and dying, prior knowledge of DNR and basic demographic data were evaluated.Results: A total of 766 students participated in the study. There were statistically (...)
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  10.  29
    Yeh Ming-ch'en, Viceroy of Liang Kuang, 1852-8.Fred W. Drake & J. Y. Wong - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (3):404.
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  11. Neural Processes of Proactive and Reactive Controls Modulated by Motor-Skill Experiences.Qiuhua Yu, Bolton K. H. Chau, Bess Y. H. Lam, Alex W. K. Wong, Jiaxin Peng & Chetwyn C. H. Chan - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  12.  79
    A Brief Mindfulness-Based Family Psychoeducation Intervention for Chinese Young Adults With First Episode Psychosis: A Study Protocol.Herman Hay-Ming Lo, Wing-Chung Ho, Elsa Ngar-Sze Lau, Chun-Wai Lo, Winnie W. S. Mak, Siu-Man Ng, Samuel Yeung-Shan Wong, Jessica Oi-Yin Wong, Simon S. Y. Lui, Cola Siu-Lin Lo, Edmund Chiu-Lun Lin, Man-Fai Poon, Kong Choi & Cressida Wai-Ching Leung - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  13.  36
    Secondary-ion-mass spectrometry study on near-stoichiometric LiNbO3strip waveguide fabricated by vapour transport equilibration and Ti co-diffusion.D. -L. Zhang, Z. Yang, W. H. Wong & E. Y. B. Pun - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (1):63-75.
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    Lands and populations in early greece - (m.) Oller, (j.) pàmias, (c.) varias (edd.) Tierra, territorio Y población en la grecia antigua: Aspectos institucionales Y míticos. In two volumes. Pp. XXII + 244 + VIII + 265, b/w & colour ills. Mering: Utopica verlag, 2017. Cased, €56. Isbn: 978-3-944735-00-9 (vol. 1), 978-3-944735-01-6 (vol. 2). [REVIEW]Jorge A. Wong Medina - 2019 - The Classical Review 69 (2):496-499.
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    On the Possible Existence of a ‘First Law of Environmental Stewardship’: How Organisations Bring Volunteers Together in Social and Geographic Space.Christina W. Lopez & Russell C. Weaver - 2022 - Environmental Values 31 (4):463-492.
    This article contends that environmental organisations vary in type, scale and purpose in ways that help stewards self-sort into the opportunities that align with their individual motivations and environmental concerns. To explore these potential links between personal motivations and environmental organisational attributes, we rely on descriptive and inferential statistics from surveys of two partner environmental organisations: one local scale community based-organisation and one a broader scale environmental non-profit organisation, both located in Central Texas, USA. These partners were selected based on (...)
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  16.  23
    Optical and electrical studies of Ti- and Ta-dichalcogenides: Plasmons.W. Y. Liang, G. Lucovsky, R. M. White, W. Stutius & K. R. Pisharody - 1976 - Philosophical Magazine 33 (3):493-503.
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  17.  22
    Luminescence in hexagonal zinc selenide crystals.W. Y. Liang & A. D. Yoffe - 1967 - Philosophical Magazine 16 (144):1153-1166.
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  18.  40
    Ciceros Rede für Cn. Plancius, für den Schulgebrauch erklärt von Dr Ernst Köpke: in dritten Auflage neu bearbeitet von Dr G. Landgraf. 1 Mk. 20. [REVIEW]W. Y. Fausset - 1888 - The Classical Review 2 (08):252-253.
  19.  23
    Electron energy loss studies of the transition metal dichalcogenides.W. Y. Liang & S. L. Cundy - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 19 (161):1031-1043.
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  20. Kohlberg and business ethics.W. Y. Penn - forthcoming - Profit and Responsibility: Issues in Business and Professional Ethics.
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  21. (1 other version)Scientism in Chinese thought, 1900-1950.D. W. Y. Kwok - 1965 - New Haven,: Yale University Press.
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  22. Social functionalism 211 the metaphysics of duguit's pragmatic conception of law.W. Y. Elliott - 1938 - In Jerome Hall, Readings in jurisprudence. Holmes Beach, Fla.: Gaunt. pp. 37--211.
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  23.  26
    The Birth-Place of Propertius.W. Y. Sellar - 1890 - The Classical Review 4 (09):393-396.
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  24. (1 other version)Tibetan yoga and secret doctrines.W. Y. Evans-Wentz - 1935 - London,: Oxford University Press UK. Edited by Zla-Ba-Bsam-'Grub.
    General introduction.--The supreme path of discipleship: the precepts of the gurus.--The nirvānic path: the yoga of the great symbol.--The path of knowledge: the yoga of the six doctrines.--The path of transference: the yoga of consciousness-trnsference.--The path of the mystic sacrifice: the yoga of subduing the lower self.--The path of the five wisdoms: the yoga of the long hūm.--The path of the transcendental wisdom: the yoga of the voidness.
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  25.  31
    Brainstem encoding of speech and musical stimuli in congenital amusia: evidence from Cantonese speakers.Fang Liu, Akshay R. Maggu, Joseph C. Y. Lau & Patrick C. M. Wong - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  26.  39
    Tibet's Great Yogī Milarepa. A Biography from the Tibetan, Being the Jetsün-Kahbum or Biographical History of Jetsün-Milarepa, According to the Late Lāma Kazi Dawa-Samdup's English RenderingTibet's Great Yogi Milarepa. A Biography from the Tibetan, Being the Jetsun-Kahbum or Biographical History of Jetsun-Milarepa, According to the Late Lama Kazi Dawa-Samdup's English Rendering.Alex Wayman, W. Y. Evans-Wentz, Lāma Kazi Dawa-Samdup, Jetsün-Milarepa, Lama Kazi Dawa-Samdup & Jetsun-Milarepa - 1953 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 73 (3):177.
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  27. The Tibetan Book of the Dead: or the After Death Experiences on the Bardo Plane, 3rd Ed.W. Y. EVANS-WENTZ - 1957
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  28.  17
    The effect of hydrostatic pressure on the optical properties and electron energy levels in thallous halides.A. J. Grant, W. Y. Liang & A. D. Yoffe - 1970 - Philosophical Magazine 22 (180):1129-1146.
  29.  7
    Zhongguo xiandai sixiang zhong de weikexuezhuyi: (1900-1950).D. W. Y. Kwok & I. Lei - 2005
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  30.  61
    Asymmetric cultural effects on perceptual expertise underlie an own-race bias for voices.Tyler K. Perrachione, Joan Y. Chiao & Patrick C. M. Wong - 2010 - Cognition 114 (1):42-55.
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  31. The practicalities of terminally ill patients signing their own DNR orders--a study in Taiwan.C.-H. Huang, W.-Y. Hu, T.-Y. Chiu & C.-Y. Chen - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (5):336-340.
    Objectives: To investigate the current situation of completing the informed consent for do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders among the competent patients with terminal illness and the ethical dilemmas related to it. Participants: This study enrolled 152 competent patients with terminal cancer, who were involved in the initial consultations for hospice care. Analysis: Comparisons of means, analyses of variance, Student’s t test, χ2 test and multiple logistic regression models. Results: After the consultations, 117 (77.0%) of the 152 patients provided informed consent for hospice (...)
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  32.  71
    Reflections on the May Fourth Movement: A Symposium.D. W. Y. Kwok - 1974 - Philosophy East and West 24 (3):369-369.
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  33. Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines, second edition.W. Y. Evans-Wentz - 1961 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 23 (1):171-172.
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  34.  43
    Differential recruitment of executive resources during mind wandering.Julia W. Y. Kam & Todd C. Handy - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 26:51-63.
    Recent research has shown that mind wandering recruits executive resources away from the external task towards inner thoughts. No studies however have determined whether executive functions are drawn away in a unitary manner during mind wandering episodes, or whether there is variation in specific functions impacted. Accordingly, we examined whether mind wandering differentially modulates three core executive functions—response inhibition, updating of working memory, and mental set shifting. In three experiments, participants performed one of these three executive function tasks and reported (...)
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  35. What can bouncing oil droplets tell us about quantum mechanics?Peter W. Evans & Karim P. Y. Thébault - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 10 (3):1-32.
    A recent series of experiments have demonstrated that a classical fluid mechanical system, constituted by an oil droplet bouncing on a vibrating fluid surface, can be induced to display a number of behaviours previously considered to be distinctly quantum. To explain this correspondence it has been suggested that the fluid mechanical system provides a single-particle classical model of de Broglie’s idiosyncratic ‘double solution’ pilot wave theory of quantum mechanics. In this paper we assess the epistemic function of the bouncing oil (...)
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  36.  52
    The neurocognitive consequences of the wandering mind: a mechanistic account of sensory-motor decoupling.Julia W. Y. Kam & Todd C. Handy - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
  37.  45
    Master Virgil Master Virgil: the Author of the Aeneid as he seemed in the Middle Ages. A series of studies by J. S. Tunison. Cincinnati, 1888. 10s. [REVIEW]W. Y. Sellar - 1889 - The Classical Review 3 (06):265-269.
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  38.  14
    Complementation: A Cross-Linguistic Typology.Robert M. W. Dixon & Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald (eds.) - 2006 - Oxford University Press UK.
    A complement clause is used instead of a noun phrase; for example one can say either I heard [the result] or I heard [that England beat France]. Languages differ in the grammatical properties of complement clauses, and the types of verbs which take them. Some languages lack a complement clause construction but instead employ other construction types to achieve similar ends; these are called complementation strategies. The book explores the variety of types of complementation found across the languages of the (...)
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  39.  36
    Liang Ch'i-ch'ao and the Mind of Modern China.D. W. Y. Kwok - 1969 - Philosophy East and West 19 (4):450-451.
  40.  41
    Li Ta-chao and the Origins of Chinese Marxism.D. W. Y. Kwok - 1969 - Philosophy East and West 19 (4):449-450.
  41.  5
    A Response to Stephen Mott.Milton W. Y. Wan - 1987 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 4 (3-4):34-35.
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  42.  21
    The effect of text type on the use of so as a discourse particle.Phoenix W. Y. Lam - 2009 - Discourse Studies 11 (3):353-372.
    Discourse particles have received a considerable amount of scholarly attention in linguistic research. Although their use in specific text types has been discussed, few studies have actually attempted to look at the effect of text type on their use. Therefore, how the use of discourse particles is related to the situational context in which they are produced remains a largely unexplored area. In this article, the use of one of the most frequently occurring yet often overlooked discourse particles, so, in (...)
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  43.  32
    Stanca Măda and Răzvan Săftoiu Professional Communication across Languages and Cultures. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2012, vi + 284 pp. [REVIEW]Phoenix W. Y. Lam - 2015 - Pragmatics and Society 6 (1):147-151.
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  44.  30
    The Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation: Or the Method of Realizing Nirvana through Knowing the Mind.W. Y. Evans-Wentz - 1955 - Philosophy East and West 5 (1):79-80.
  45.  41
    Intercalation studies of some transition metal dichalcogenides.A. R. Beal & W. Y. Liang - 1973 - Philosophical Magazine 27 (6):1397-1416.
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    When is the right hemisphere holistic and when is it not? The case of Chinese character recognition.Harry K. S. Chung, Jacklyn C. Y. Leung, Vienne M. Y. Wong & Janet H. Hsiao - 2018 - Cognition 178 (C):50-56.
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  47.  25
    Optical studies of some electrolytically produced intercalation complexes of group VA transition metal dichalcogenides.A. R. Beal, W. Y. Liang & J. B. Pethica - 1976 - Philosophical Magazine 33 (4):591-602.
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    Reflectivity spectra of some first row transition metal intercalates of NbS2.A. R. Beal & W. Y. Liang - 1976 - Philosophical Magazine 33 (1):121-131.
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  49. Confessio philosophi: La profession de foi du philosophe.G. W. Leibniz & Y. Belaval - 1962 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 17 (1):117-118.
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  50.  40
    Three Essays on Asinius Pollio as a Writer. [REVIEW]W. Y. Fausset - 1890 - The Classical Review 4 (1-2):30-32.
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